Sayed Badreya starred in "Jellyfish and Lobster, "Oscar-Qualifying awards. Short Film Category 2025
Sayed Badreya, "The undisputed champion of the Arab terrorist role," gambles on a student film featuring a man with Alzheimer's to shatter stereotypes in the Oscar-qualified short film "Jellyfish and Lobster."
Egyptian-born Hollywood Actor Sayed Badreya, often called "the undisputed champion of the Arab terrorist role," took on an ambitious project to redefine the representation of Arab characters in cinema. In the groundbreaking student film "Jellyfish and Lobster," produced by the National Film and Television School (NFTS) in the UK, he portrayed a complex character dealing with Alzheimer's. This role significantly departed from the stereotypical parts that have defined his career for the past four decades.
Badreya accepted this role without payment, taking a considerable risk to change the narrative surrounding Arab characters in the film. He personally covered all travel and living expenses for two production trips, flying from Los Angeles to London to bring authenticity and depth to his character.
His gamble paid off when the film won the prestigious Best British Short Film award at the BAFTA Awards in 2024. In addition to this accolade, the film received seven other awards and four nominations, significantly boosting its profile within the industry. Notably, it won an "Achievement in Acting" award at the 47th Denver Film Festival in November 2024. Two wins at Oscar-qualifying festivals qualified the film for the 2025 Short Film Oscar Award.
For Badreya, changing the narrative goes beyond seeking professional recognition; it represents a pivotal moment for new generations of Egyptian and Arab actors in international cinema. By stepping away from the narrow roles that have historically defined his career, he hopes to inspire a more nuanced and positive portrayal of Arab characters, ultimately contributing to a broader understanding and appreciation of diverse stories in the entertainment industry.
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مشوار حياة "بدرية" مادة خصبة لفيلم روائي ,,, منذ سفره إلى أمريكا في عام 1979 وسنوات طويلة من الكفاح استطاع هذا الشاب البسيط الذي خرج من حواري بورسعيد أن يحقق حلمه ويدخل من بوابة السينما العالمية في هوليوود من أوسع أبوابها حكاية هذا الممثل المصري الذي يعرفه كبار نجوم السينما العالمية والتي كثيرا ما يحكيها بصوته عبر تواصله مع محبيه من خلال غرف الدردشة المصرية التي يقضي بها "سيد" أوقات طويلة يحاورهم ويحكي لهم حكايته حكاية "ابن الحارة" الذي خرج إلى العالمية.
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Arab American Actor Sayed Badreya
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Arab American Actor Sayed Badreya- GQ
Arab American Actor Sayed Badreya
Arab American Actor Sayed Badreya- Hollywood Scenes
Arab American Actor Sayed Badreya- Iron Man
Arab American Actor Sayed Badreya- GQ